Product Name: Visible Organic Soluble InP/ZnSe/ZnS core shell quantum dots, 680 nm

Chemical Composition InP/ZnSe/ZnS
 Surfactant coating  Oleylamine
Solvent Toluene containing ≤1% surfactant
Diameter of core 5.2 nm
 Diameter of core plus shell 9.5 nm
 Fluorescent Emission Peak 680 nm ±10 nm
 Emission Peak Width (FWHM)  76 nm
 Quantum Yield 54%
 Absorption coefficient at exciton @643 nm  3.3 x 105 Liters/mole-cm
Molecular Weight 1.14 x 106 g/mole
Shelf life ≥1 yr if stored in dark between -15 and 8˚C
